Wednesday, May 2, 2012

CHAPTER 4 VIGNETTE “Privacy Concerns Abound with New IRS Systems”

1.)     What information about you is being held, who is holding it, and what is this onformation being used for?

Since, many individuals are paying federal taxes and file private information with the IRS annually. And IRS are collecting data that includes address, and names and also Social Security numbers and financial information. This is being the target also of the Identity Thieve. Theefore as a result, the federal government  has issued stringent security requirements for storing, accessing, and manipulating this data.

2.)     What measures are being taen to safeguard this information and what happens if it is inadvertently or deliberately stolen?

If the data collected by IRS are being stoln by the Identity Thieves and the funds or money that the IRS collected, this might disrupt the tax payment and processing of tax returns might affect the economy of the nation. That is why, federal government issued strict security requirements for accessing and manipulating data.

CASE STUDY #3 “Is Google Watching You?”

Discussions Questions

1.)     How does Google’s business model use personal data?

Google uses tis information to fine-tune advertising to the user’s needs and preferences. In this way, Google can target their clients advertisements to a very specific demographic within a population. It also stores information in a Google database.

2.)     What do you think are the major privacy concerns raised by Google’s business model and applications?

First, is that Google will share the ingormation it collects with other sources. Some critics fear what would happen if the government gained access to Google’s database. Second, Google contented that in handling this data, the company would be forced to reveal trade secrets regarding its search technology.

3.)     Do you think Google has taken adequate measures to protect its users privacy?

Im not satisfied to Google in protecting each user’s personal data or its privacy. Somehow, we may not know how long this Google database would store or protect our privacy inhandling our own data. I am not being secured and assured that Google can prevent against those people who would try to reveal or steal our data as a person.


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